The Pure Gold Company joins LBMA as an Affiliate Member
What were the reasons for you wanting to join LBMA and what do you see as the key benefits of membership?
Trust is absolutely key in the market in which we operate. The majority of our clients are first-time purchasers of bullion who are now making important decisions about investing and protecting their savings. They typically have a high-level view as to why they are looking at physical bullion but little knowledge of the actual products, regulations, or from whom they can safely buy. We see our LBMA membership as an important signal of trust that confirms we are an established business with a clear track record and standing within the industry. We fully appreciate the opportunity of having a presence and a voice within this global body.
Tell us about your company’s role in the precious metals market?
We are a rapidly growing precious metals broker, primarily operating in the UK retail market with the majority of our business conducted over the phone.
We provide every client with a tailored, one-to-one consultative service, providing as much guidance and support as they need. We are always competitive on pricing, but it is through our service that we add the most value. We have recently added a wholesale arm to the business, partnering with The Royal Mint to provide UK coins into the US market.
What’s the background and history of the company?
The Pure Gold Company was founded in 2012 by Josh Saul, whose background was in researching markets and opportunities for large investment houses. Josh saw precious metal as a sound way of reducing financial risk and realised the biggest barrier for individual investment was a simple lack of understanding of the products and the market. He set out to provide an unrivalled service and counsel to retail customers, from helping them choose the right products to arranging secure storage, and again when it came time to sell. The result was The Pure Gold Company.
What factors do you expect to impact your business in the short to long term?
For us, the behaviour of the markets will have the biggest short-term impact. It’s an unstable world, which is worrying on many levels, but as we all know instability tends to be positive for the gold price. In the long term, everything from changing regulations to our own ability to manage our ‘exciting growth phase’ without losing the essence of who we are culturally will have an impact. This is business!
What are your future plans for the business?
As already mentioned, we are growing rapidly so our plans are all related to maintaining that trajectory whilst staying true to our values and purpose.

Josh Saul, CEO, The Pure Gold Company