By Brian M Lucey
Associate Professor of Finance, School of Business Studies, Trinity College Dublin

There has, in the last decade, been a remarkable resurgence in interest in gold as an asset class. The rise and fall of the gold price, questions of gold bubbles, the comparisons of the Euro to a new gold standard, the growth of China as a gold consumer, and the increased growth of gold related products have prompted significant numbers of academic papers on this metal. In this regard it seems timely to put together a set of papers that reflect the state of the art on the financial economics of Gold.

Papers are therefore invited for a special issue on International Review of Financial Analysis on Gold. Papers should be submitted via the elsevier EES system by 1 September 2014.

The Special Issue will be edited by Professor Brian Lucey, Editor in Chief, Professor Jonathan Batten, Special Issues Editor and Professor Dirk Baur, Associate Editor.

Papers should address the financial economics or econometrics of gold, gold derivatives, the gold market, the relationship of gold to other assets, the role of gold mining stocks, the microstructure of the gold market, forecasting of gold, the monetary role of gold and the role of gold as an investment asset. We welcome both theoretical and empirical approaches.

All papers accepted will, prior to publication, be required to be accompanied by a video abstract or audioslide (see about/content-innovation/audioslides-author- presentations-for-journal-articles / or http:// author-videos)

Papers should be submitted via http://ees., selecting Gold Special Issue as article type. Please note that the standard submission fee remains in place for this special issue. We reserve the right to accept papers but to place them in regular issues of IRFA as opposed to the Special Issue.