October 30, 2023

Committee News: Refiners' Committee

The Refiners' Committee met in October 2023

The recent meeting of the Refiners' Committee continued discussions on several items, as outlined below:

Definition of Recycled Gold

The Committee discussed the updates on the various work streams on recycled gold, including the potential to create an LBMA Recycled Gold Working Group, focused on supporting the LBMA Executive.

The meeting discussed the need for greater clarity in relation to the sub-categories of recycled gold, as defined in the Responsible Gold Guidance Version 9 (RGG9), and reviewed the proposals set out by the Executive.

Gold Bar Integrity

The meeting was provided with an overview of the timelines, next steps, and the role of the Steering Committee, which was to support the selection process. Also, that the first meeting had taken place and was productive.

Responsible Silver Guidance Version 2

The meeting was informed that the new version would be launched next month.

If you have any issues or questions that you feel should be discussed by the Refiners' Committee, then please contact varsha.peiris@lbma.org.uk.