The LBMA’s webinar took place on Wednesday, 16th September 2015 at 1030 (EST) in New York. (In London, 1530BST.)
In this webinar, Sakhila Mirza, LBMA General Counsel, Marvin J Goldstein and Conrad Bahlke, Partners at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP reviewed recent updates in US regulations from their offices in New York.
This webinar is especially relevant to those working in, or supervising staff working in, the Legal, Compliance and Credit areas, and may also be of interest to those involved in Trading and Product Structuring.
The topics covered were: - Proposed US Margin Requirements for OTC Swaps - Recent banking developments -- Basel capital rules for segregated margin and potential US Federal Reserve regulations on bank commodities activities - Other developments – Conflict Minerals and Position Limits Please click here to listen.