A seat at the table

LBMA membership provides a seat at the table for Members to influence and guide the work of LBMA and its role within the global OTC precious metals market. Many new market representatives have joined our sub-committees over the last year to offer their expertise to the Executive and help it deliver LBMA’s long-term strategic aims and key initiatives.

Membership Reclassification

Full membership of LBMA is available to companies in the UK and abroad. All Members must be operational in areas that are closely related to the London bullion market. In 2020, LBMA undertook a strategic overhaul of its membership classifications and in doing so, made membership available to those organisations active in other markets around the world through our Affiliate Member classification.

Affiliate Membership is available to a range of international market participants, service providers, technology providers, exchanges, and intermediaries, as well as firms relevant to the London bullion market such as mining, inspection, assaying and consultancy-related activities.