Interest in LBMA Membership from around the globe remains high. Building on the record numbers achieved last year, Membership has grown by a further 6.8% to 172 companies engaged either directly or indirectly with the Global OTC Market.

While there has been some growth in Members from the Americas, the largest growth this year was from the UK and Europe region, which saw an 11% increase. Alongside this, there has been significant reinforcement of LBMAs compliance structures and capabilities to maintain and monitor compliance with the Rules for Members and the Global Precious Metals Code.

With a growing Membership comes the need to invest in the systems and processes necessary to engage effectively with Member and stakeholders alike. To achieve this, LBMA has invested in a new Customer Relationship Management system and has rolled out a new Members and Stakeholders Portal. The service is still available through the same MyLBMA link on the LBMA website, but the experience has now been enhanced to provide greater information services.