A Guide to the Loco London Precious Metals Market
20. Clearing Statistics
Full details can be found on the LBMA’s website.
The clearing statistics have historically represented the net volume of Loco London gold and silver transfers settled between the clearing members of the London Precious Metals Clearing Limited (LPMCL – www.lpmcl.com).
The members of LPMCL are: HSBC, ICBC Standard Bank, JP Morgan and UBS. The data is collected and published on a monthly basis and is based on daily averages. The statistics include Loco London transfers from one party in a LPMCL clearing member’s books to another party in the same member’s books (or in the books of another LPMCL clearing member), as well as physical transfers and shipments by LPMCL clearing members and transfers over LPMCL clearing members’ accounts at the Bank of England. The statistics exclude allocations for LPMCL clearing members where the sole purpose is to reduce overnight credit exposures and physical movements arranged by LPMCL clearing members in locations other than London.
The latest information including monthly statistics can be found on the LBMA’s website for most recent figures and clearing statistics.