The Assaying and Refining Conference is scheduled to take place from Sunday 12 – Wednesday 15 March 2023 in London. The theme for the Conference will focus on safety in laboratories.

Leo Simpson
Keynote Speaker Announced
LBMA is pleased to announce Leo Simpson (Project Engineering Manager, Metalor USA) as the Keynote speaker for the Assaying and Refining Conference 2023 with his presentation A Lifecycle Approach to Safety in Refineries – From Design to Continuous Improvement.
Leo Simpson has spent most of his professional career in the precious metals refining and chemical industries, starting as a research technologist with Mintek and DeBeers Diamond Research Laboratories in South Africa. Subsequently, he moved to Metalor Technologies USA, and Elemetal Refining. He returned to Metalor USA in 2017 where he currently serves as an Engineering Manager.
Further details about the event, including registration, to follow. If you have any questions about the event, please email
Historical Past Conferences
The LBMA’s Assaying and Refining Conferences have been an excellent opportunity for assaying and refining professionals in the precious metal industry to network, exchange information, and gain an understanding of new developments.
The presentations and video recordings from the biennial Conferences are available under the Events tab on the LBMA website, however, these can now also be accessed via the GDL Directory as ‘Past Assaying and Refining Conferences’.
The PowerPoint presentations are a valuable source of information which support the content in the recordings that focus on a variety of assaying and refining topics. Currently, these range from 2013 – 2021, with the remainder extending back to 2005 to follow.
Each conference has featured many excellent presentations, some of which were the Geoforensic Passport of Mined Gold in 2021 (Dr. Barbara Beck, University of Lausanne; Dr. Jonathan Jodry, Metalor Technologies); Refining in the Precious Metal Sustainability Chain in 2019 (Dr. Michael Mooiman, Franklin Pierce University); Sampling, Theory and Practice in 2017 (Prof. Kim Esbensen, KHE Consulting); Statistics and Splitting Limits: A Review of Au Fire Assay in 2015 (Jon Forrest, Royal Canadian Mint; Dr. Mike Hinds, MHinds Analytical Consulting; Madeleine Theron, Rand Refinery).