2023 Precious Metals Forecast Survey
Alexander Zumpfe
Heraeus Metals Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Take a look at the analysts' individual forecasts and commentary, revealing their insights behind their forecasts for highs, lows, and average prices for gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
— Analyst's average forecast
— Average price 2023
$1,750 - $2,050
The recent rise in the gold price was aided by the relative weakening of the dollar. With an end to rate hikes by the Federal Reserve now in sight, the dollar could conceivably weaken further, lending further support to the gold price in 2023. A rebound in consumer gold demand is expected in China, owing to the end of COVID restrictions. Evidence of increased economic activity after an initial lull due to an opening wave of infections is supportive of local gold demand.
Top three drivers for the gold price in 2023: monetary policy, weakening dollar, end of zero-COVID in China
— Analyst's average forecast
— Average price 2023
$21 - $28
— Analyst's average forecast
— Average price 2023
$900 - $1,250
— Analyst's average forecast
— Average price 2023
$1,300 - $2,100