Responsible Gold Guidance V9
AML-CFT: Anti-Money Laundering – Combating the Financing of Terrorism
ASM: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining
CAHRA: Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Area
CRAFT: Code of Risk-mitigation for artisanal small-scale mining engaging in Formal Trade
DD: Due Diligence
EDD: Enhanced Due Diligence
ESG: Environment, Social and Governance
EITI: Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative
EU: European Union
GDL: Good Delivery List
ICMC: International Cyanide Management Code
ISAE 3000: International Standard on Assurance Engagements
IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature
KYC: Know Your Customer or Counterparty
LBMA: London Bullion Market Association
LPPM: London Platinum and Palladium Market
LSM: Large-Scale Mining
NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OFAC: US Office of Foreign Assets Control
PEP: Politically Exposed Persons
RGG: Responsible Gold Guidance
RMI: Responsible Minerals Initiative
RPPG: Responsible Platinum and Palladium Guidance
RSG: Responsible Silver Guidance
RSP: Responsible Sourcing Programme
UBO: Ultimate Beneficial Owner
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UK: United Kingdom
US: United States
US SEC: United States Security and Exchange Commission
WHS: World Heritage Site
UN: United Nations