As part of our commitment to enhancing transparency within the global OTC precious metals market, LBMA, along with Nasdaq, hosted an educational webinar covering how, why and where to access the most comprehensive OTC dataset available.
David has participated in several Trade Data webinars, all of which are available on our website. The aim of today’s webinar was to offer a more practical discussion of the data, starting with a live demonstration and followed by a more detailed conversation around events which triggered noticeable spikes or dips in OTC volumes.
Donal ran through a live demo of the LBMA Trade Data on the Bloomberg terminal, showing 1) where to find the daily dataset on the LBMA page on Bloomberg, 2) how to examine the dataset in greater detail including charting, and 3) how to extract the data into a useable Excel format.
Rhona, sitting in the analyst seat, presented a number of detailed charts for each of the four metals and highlighted key events over the past 12 months and the corresponding reaction from OTC volumes.
Watch the full webinar to find out how you can access the data and how to get the most from it.
This webinar is CPD Accredited. For more information, please contact